
The five tastes are:

Umami (savory, meaty)

I put HIJKLMNO into this cup. What is in there?
ANSWER: H to O, water.

ABCDEFG. When I see E, I am scared. When it says F, I am much relieved. What is it?
ANSWER: Gas gage in a car.

6+3 = 9, but 9+6 = 3. What am I looking at?
ANSWER: A Clock.

5 + 5 + 5 = 550 Add one straight line to the following and make it true. Two possible answers:


Five squares into four (moving only two sticks):

If it takes five machines five minutes to make five widgets, how long does it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?

ANSWER: The answer is NOT 100 minutes. Each machine takes five minutes to make a widget It would take 100 machines to make 100 widgits, also taking five minutes each, or 100×5 = 500 minutes.

There is a pond. One day a lilly pad appears in the middle of the pond. Each day there are more liliy pads, twice the area of the previous day. On Day #48 the entire pond is filled with lily pads for the first time. How many days did it take for the pond to be half-filled with lily pads?

ANSWER: The answer is NOT 24 days. Since it doubles in area each day, the day it was half the area is only the day before it is full. 48- 1 = 47 days.


  • cceinnoosss
  • aaeegnrtu
  • deeeinrstt
  • eeeolmpy
  • bdeeeimorrr
  • deeefprrr
  • aeginprssst
  • ccefllsssuuy
  • einoopsssss
  • adeefnrrrst
  • cceinnoossssu
  • concessions
  • guarantee
  • interested
  • employee
  • embroiderer
  • preferred
  • trespassing
  • successfully
  • possessions
  • transferred
  • consciousness

This makes for an interesting code idea. Each word is moved to alphabetical order of the letters and then run together. Send this to your friendly decipherer (cdeeehiprr).


Here’s an ancient riddle:

What is greater than God…
Worse than the Devit…
Dead men eat it…
But if you ate it, you would die.

ANSWER: Nothing

Here’s an easy riddle for ‘beginners’….

I have hands but no feet.
I run but I cannot walk
I have a face but no eyes.
I tell you something but I cannot speak


I raed seehmorwe taht any seecnnte, wehre the fsrit and lsat leertts of ecah word are mtnniieaad, but all the lttrees in bweeetn are jbelmud up, is slitl ceellmopty raalbdee. Is tihs ture?

  • I can only imagine how the human brain, with its “fuzzy logic”, reassembles an incoherent presentation into one with actual meaning. Clearly our brain sees patterns, not just letters or words.